Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Living One Day at a Time...

Right now, I'm sitting poolside while Annika and Soren swim in the dark. The temperature outside is only  10 degrees, but they couldn't resist. We're at a hotel in Oakland, California, and we're still waiting on the R.V. to be finished getting repaired. We've been enjoying exploring San Francisco and the Bay area, but decided to take today easy and just hang out close to the hotel. Tomorrow we're considering doing SFMOMA ('museum of modern art' for those less-cultured), but not sure how much fun that will be for the kids. Anyway, travel plans are uncertain because we don't know when the R.V. will be done, but we do know that our plans to be in San Diego (at Sea World) for Soren's birthday are not going to happen. Here's some of my favourite pictures of the last week:
Sisters in a tide pool. 
Me and a sea turtle 

Last hour in last waterslide/swim.

Aquarium of the Bay in San Francisco.

Sea star (it's incorrect now to call it a starfish...did you know that?)
San Francisco city street.

Racing in Golden Gate Park (the first public playground in all the U.S.)

Kai gets to the top! This is like 30 feet off the ground.

Sawyer checking out the butterflies in the rainforest at the California Academy of Sciences.
The ROCK. 

Soren, LOVING the boat cruise.

Heading under the Golden Gate.

A draw for the tourists... 
Soren...all tired out.


  1. love the pic of you guys at the aquarium, so pretty. Wish I could go sight seeing with you guys too. Sadie is grumpy, it's either the time change or the lack of play mates!!

  2. LOVE all the pictures, except of course the one of Kai ready to jump from 30 feet up! (That set my 'grandma radar' off). lol I like the pic of you with that giant turtle, and I'm glad that it wasn't a giant bird. :):) Also really like the one of Annika and Sawyer in the tidal pool, sweet sisters. Too bad that Soren doesn't get to go to Sea World for his birthday, but at least he got to go to the San Francisco Aquarium.

  3. Happy Birthday Soren!!! It is now the wee hours in the morning here in Michigan and you are officially 3 YEARS OLD!!! Of course, you will have wait until morning there in California to officially begin your big day! We are so excited for you to be celebrating your birthday today. You are such a big boy now - and we are soooo proud of you and all the things you can do and SAY too! We love listening to you talk and sometimes you say the funniest things! We hope you have a super fun day today and that it is especially exciting for you! Make sure you let us know what you spend your birthday money on okay? Wish so much that we could be there today to wish you Happy Birthday in person. Hopefully we can see you on Skype! We love you sooo much and miss you like crazy! Love and Snuggles, Nana and Grandpa XOXOXOXOX
