Sunday, October 2, 2011

10 Things that Suck about living in an R.V. and 10 Things that are Awesome.

10 Things that we love about living in an R.V.:
   1.     So many awesome places to see/go. Our kids have seen more in the last month than most Canadians see in a lifetime.  
   2.     Our house gets bigger with a push of a button!
   3.     No matter how far away from home you are, you still get your own bed at night.
   4.     Tons of quality family time
   5.     We have a stay-at-home Dad  now!
   6.     It forced me to homeschool again this year, and I probably would have taken the easy way out and put them in school.
   7.     If you end up somewhere unprepared (ie: an awesome beach, McDonald’s playland) ,  you can just run back out to the parking lot to get what you are missing (bathing suits, socks).
   8.     Never have to use gross, disturbing public bathrooms
   9.     New playgrounds/parks everyday, so the kids never get bored.
   10. Forces you to live rather simply…you realize how little you NEED.

10 Things that SUCK about living in an R.V.:
   1.     Hideous décor. R.V.’s are ugly…there’s just no way around it.
   2.     No bathtub or laundry, and we have filthy kids.
   3.     Can’t let your baby ‘cry it out’ because technically everyone’s sleeping in her room.
   4.     No babysitters=no date nights.
   5.     If you don’t have everything safely secured before you drive, it will fall on the ground, or on your head, at rocket speeds.
   6.     You can’t stop quickly. If you drive past what you were looking for, it might be a few kilometres before you can turn around and get back there.
   7.     Some things are difficult to do when you’re bumping along down the road (i.e.: filling up a bottle, wiping bums, clipping toenails).
   8.     If you drop the soap in the shower, you better hope you were done with it because there’s no way you can bend down and get it.
   9.     We’ve lost multiple shoes because there is nowhere to store them except on the door steps and they fall out without us noticing and then we drive away.
   10. If someone takes a dump, your whole house is infiltrated within seconds.
Without the RV, we might never have gone to this giant wagon!


  1. lol.. cute post Lindsay! Enjoying following your "ups and downs". :)

  2. The boys and I think that this wagon is by far the best giant thing you guys have visited. We are looking forward to seeing what oversized object is coming up next.

  3. Love the 2 top Ten lists!! I'm still fixated on the lost shoes though.....were they all little shoes or some adult-sized as well?

  4. little shoes. One of Kai's skate shoes (lost in Spokane, WA) and one of Soren's skate shoes (lost in Vancouver, BC).
