We made it to Winnipeg late last night. Right now, I'm in a Starbucks while Annika does her homeschool work next to me (mostly she's just people watching and stalling). The drive from Sault Ste. Marie to Thunder Bay was gorgeous. We actually pulled over a couple times because the scenery was so breathtaking. And pulling over that beast is not really convenient or easy. We have had some great roadside stops along the Trans-Canada so far. We have had provincial parks completely to ourselves. We stopped at a sheep farm and learned all about sheep's wool and the kids got their own mini-sheep skins from the sewing lady. We went to Kakabeka Falls in Thunder Bay. I got to do some mountain biking and have a helicopter land right beside me. And so much more.
We feel a little rushed, because we are booking it across Canada, trying to get to Alaska before the roads close for the winter. But Northern Ontario/Lake Superior region is definitely somewhere that I will come back to again. Possibly without young kids, so we can do long hiking/canoeing trips.
Last night we arrived in Bird's Hill Provincial Park and settled in, but Andy had a horrendous sinus infection, so he unpacked his bike from the trailer, and set out with the GPS in hand to try and find a drugstore that was open late. He gave up eventually, because he was sure he was going to get lost in the dark, and came back to try and fall asleep. However, Sawyer had other plans. She screamed for a large portion of the night, and with all the things I packed for this trip, somehow we set out without any infant tylenol. I just about died in the middle of the night when I couldn't find any. So, in desperation, I gave her a chewable children's motrin. She's 9 months old. Mother of the Year award again. Needless to say, it was one of those nights where you lay in bed and just BEG God to put your child to sleep.

This morning we went for a rollerblade (Annika and I) and then we met the Scott's (Karen and Rob) at the Royal Canadian Mint, which was interesting. I'm sure the people in our tour group were thrilled to be touring with us and our 5 young kids. Then Rob and Karen suggested we hit Assiniboine Park (sp???). They have a nature children's centre that was just amazing. Thanks for the suggestion, guys!
We are going to cross the rest of Manitoba today and head out into the prairies tomorrow.
Wish we could post pictures, but we have so little time.
getting closer! You should stop in Moose Jaw and do the tunnels tour. It's pretty cool and your kids might find it interesting too!